Zeppelins for all

Are you one of those people fascinated by blimps and zeppelins, those giant airborne cucumbers that seem to float effortlessly through the sky? Head to Lake Constance in Germany for a short airborne tour over the lake and the surrounding Bavarian countryside.
Zeppelins were originally designed by a German engineer named…Wait for it….Ferdinand von Zeppelin, back in 1893. Unlike the soft-sided blimps made famous by Goodyear in the US, a zeppelin has a rigid skeleton and is lifted by hydrogen gas.
Floating along at height of about 300 yards (roughly the height of the Eiffel Tower), you’re in a perfect position to gaze down at medieval villages, castles and palaces, colorful islands and the foothills of the Alps. Your leisurely float proceeds at about 30 mph, giving you lots of time to watch as your airship’s shadow gracefully crosses over the sailboats on the lake below. Or perhaps you’ll channel a medieval experience as you look down upon a picturesque walled village from the past.
Zeppelins are a marvel of construction and aficionados can spend time in the hangar before or after or instead of a flight. A hangar tour can explain their history and their modern technology. Plus, while you’re there, just watching some take offs and landings is a lot of fun.
A zeppelin weighs about 2400 lbs, marrying its light weight to high stability. It consists of 12 segments of triangular carbon fiber crossbeams, connected to 3 Longerons (a load-bearing component) made from welded aluminum. Aramid (synthetic fiber) ropes are also used to brace the whole structure and give it extra rigidity. All the major components, like the cabin, the fins and the engines are mounted right on the zeppelin, allowing for enhancing maneuvering ability.
A small cabin mounted on the underside of the air chamber allows for a group of up to fourteen passengers to ride along with the pilot and copilot. There are big picture windows and comfortable seats. Although this is not an inexpensive undertaking, you can charter the zeppelin for a private event or celebration if you wish.
Flightseeing excursions last from 30 to 120 minutes, depending on the exact route chosen. You can select everything from a 45 minute flight over the city of Munich to a viewing of the dramatic Rhine Falls at Schaffhausen to a gorgeous itinerary over Lindau and Bregenz, including the famous waterside theater. Your birds-eye view is going to be pretty great, no matter what you choose.
Afterwards, drop in to the nearby garden paradise of Mainau Island for a treat for your senses. Over one hundred acres is home to impressive gardens including a Rhododendron Slope, Italian Rose Garden, Dahlia Garden and Hydrangea Path.